Today should have been tree planting day, yesterday we received another delivery of trees, this time twenty six mainly for coppicing varieties, we managed to plant four of them and holes were dug for fourteen Hazels, however today is so windy it's hard to stand up in it. Is this a result of the solar flare which might hit earth today, probably not, but anyway, the trees will have to wait another day. With such a strong wind it enabled one of our Buff cocks to get airborne, no mean feat for a bird weighing over eight pounds, he enjoyed his taste of freedom, and seemed to take pleasure in showing off to the other birds who remained in their runs.
We had thought we were well ahead with our veg plantings, however we now have lots of things in seed trays waiting to be planted out but seem to be lacking either time or energy , we then realise that in only nine days time we should be planting the main crop potatoes.
With the economic down turn and so many people unemployed we find it strange that there are so few people growing their own. Things have improved over the last eight years on this front, but still so many gardens just seem to be growing grass. With so much help and advice on the internet, and various gardening clubs it does seem strange that so few people seem to take on the challenge, I guess they are just so used to going to a supermarket and having everything prepared for them in plastic boxes, they don't seem to count the cost of travelling to the shops, the time involved, and not least, the cost of disposing of all this plastic waste.
In Ireland you have to pay directly to get rid of your waste, a good system, if only people would count the cost to themselves of doing this, and again the time.
Growing veg is not rocket science, all it requires is the time and some garden, you can then quickly enjoy the taste of real food again, food that has not travelled miles, and is really fresh.
Beautiful chooks!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the inspiration. I have to get some seeds started, but after the disaster that was last year, it´s hard to get excited. I do need some planting supplies first, but that´s really just an excuse.
Can´t wait until we´re planting trees.