We had planed to go to a local village today for their first St. Patrick's day parade, however, as it was such a beautiful day the garden took priority.
Half of the main crop potatoes have been planted, Sarpo Mira, a blight free variety which we grew last year, the other half will get planted next week, we also have 2.5 kg of Pink Fir Apple to plant. Also planted today are half of the outside onions, I had planted some in the tunnel late last year but they seem to be very slow, possibly due to lack of watering, we have now set up a hose for the tunnel and everything has had a couple of good drenching's. We grow a lot of onions, it's probably the veg we use most of, so we can never have enough .The Jersey Royal potatoes that I planted in the tunnel are now well up, and we are looking forward to our first feast of them.
The Jerusalem artichokes that I ordered are now on their way, but of course with no mail today or Monday, which is a bank holiday in Ireland, they are stuck somewhere in the post, still it gives us a bit more time to get a bed ready for them. Who knows, maybe the rest of the spuds and onions will be planted before they arrive. We have chosen a variety which is suppose to be non knobbly, time will tell. It's a veg we both like, and so versatile, it's great in stir fries, roasted, or even chipped, but it can be a real pain to prepare.
Today, at last we had our first litter of rabbit kittens born, we were beggining to think that Peter Rabbit was not up to the job, but he has proved us wrong. He is a delightful boy, so friendly and likes to be petted, unlike Flopsie, the female, she is the most bad tempered rabbit we have ever had, she growls when she sees us, and I'm sure I've heard her muttering under her breath. Still, she's a mum now, although seems to be less than impressed with this idea as well, maybe she will become more friendly as the kittens grow.
My project for the day was making a headboard for our bed. When we bought the cottage, included in the sale was a lot of furniture, including two brand new beds, neither of which had headboards. We had looked in furniture shops for one, but just couldn't see any that we liked. What was on offer were very bland, and expensive to boot, being the wrong side of 200 Euro. So I decided to make our own, it took about five hours to do, and cost just eighty Euro, and nobody else has one like it.
The headboard looks great! You did an excellent job. I am quite envious of you. I still have another two months before I can even think about planting in the garden. Have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!!