Monday, May 7, 2012

Lesotho Video - How to Make a Keyhole Garden - African style

I had never heard of this concept in gardening until yesterday.
Apart from the initial work in building one I can only see advantages to this idea, no matter where you live. My thoughts immediately turned to dear friends we left behind in Galicia, two couples in particular who each year struggle against lack of water for their veg, plus the constant battle of mice, mole crickets and other pests who devour their lovingly tended crops. I just feel that this idea can be adapted to where ever you live. They look easy to maintain, no more aching backs, and the fact that the compost is part and parcel of the design means they are self feeding. They also look so nice. Hopefully we will get time to build one in the next few weeks, however we have veg that needs to be planted out now. The celery is bursting out of the pots, we have fifty of these to plant out, it's a veg we use a lot. The runner beans will need to be planted out in the next week so a trench for them is being prepared, more spinach needs to be planted, also Swiss chard. The French beans will be planted in the tunnel, that is when I have finished clearing a bed of last years perpetual spinach, I have always found they do better under cover no matter where we have lived. All of the fruit trees we planted are looking good, we will even have some blackcurrants from the cuttings we planted last year. The only thing that is struggling a bit are the raspberries which is a bit strange given the fact that there are wild ones around here. So for this year I will have to use frozen raspberries to make our favourite jam. Lidl have them on offer at two euro for half a kilo.

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