Thank goodness for the poly-tunnel, the weather really has taking on a wintry feel, but it is forecasted to get slightly warmer tomorrow.
The beauty of having a tunnel means that the weather doesn't stop play and things keep on growing, this of course includes the weeds, the chickens and the rabbits recycle the weeds and in turn give us manure which we then compost, the beauty of Organic growing, just about everything has a use.
Stinging nettles will be made into a liquid feed, we will also use this on our potatoes to protect them against blight, also we have a lot of mares tail on the land, but again this can be made into a liquid and spayed on potatoes and the tomatoes to protect them.
As we now are doing nothing commercial we hope that we can be a low input holding. we will always have to buy hen feed, but the rabbits and donkeys we would hope to feed from our land. With luck we should be able to produce most of our own meat, just topping up from friends Organic lambs and beef. Pork however is off the menu for the foreseeable future.
Things are growing at a pace in the tunnel, with strawberries forming, the over wintered onions are looking good, the peas have the first sign of blosson and the broadbeans are in full bloom, the perfume is lovely, no wonder the bees have been busy. The tomatoes and pepper plants are also growing well.
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