The garden is now full of colour,
each day brings more surprises
So many things giving colour now. |
from bulbs planted last Autumn and forgotten about. I wish I had had the foresight to keep a planting plan and the names of what I planted. One bulb in particular has been a real surprise,
Is this a Tulip? I'm not sure. |
I'm not even sure if it is a Tulip, it is highly perfumed and very pretty, it has tulip type leafs, but the flower is more like a lily. I hope I will find it in this years bulb catalogues, I will definitely get more. We are also surprised at the number of different types of
Yet another type of tulip. |
and tulips that we have,
I'm sure not all of these came from my last bulb order, but they didn't bloom last year, maybe they just needed time to establish.
The rockery is established now. |
The country side is also full of colour, primroses are blooming everywhere, yellow gorse which never seems to be out of bloom, it is said that gorse blooms for eleven months of the year, we have yet to find out which month it misses.
Damson in Bloom. |
The fruit trees are also coming into bloom, I hope we don't get a late frost. We have even seen the first butterflies, but have yet to hear the Cuckoo.
We have friends staying with us at the moment, always a good excuse for cooking, like ourselves they are foodies and really enjoy their food. They have travelled extensively and have enjoyed a very extensive cuisine,
Freshly baked strawberry cheese cake. |
I enjoy cooking for people like them!
The pig runs are now finished bar the electric tape which will be put round the whole paddock, we know from past experience that pigs are very intelligent, and even if they have everything that they can possible need in their run, they will always explore a new opportunity to escape. Twenty years on and we still remember chasing pigs around twelve acres. We are too old for such capers now.
Pig run completed, barring the electric tape. |
I think we will find that the two paddock system will work well especially as the pig house has a back and front entrance, so there will no need to move it at all.
Work has recommenced on the straw bale barn, our friends are giving it the first coat of lime plaster. With luck it will be totally finished by the end of the month as long as this lovely weather continues.
Wow to your damson! Ours is just at the very start of bud break, where the buds start to elongate and show the paler colour of the inner bracts. Top picture (wall flowers???) is gorgeous!