I had expected to lose the Sweet Peas when the first frosts arrived, but I am still picking them and they are still full of perfume.
The Sarpo Mira potatoes produced well for us, some of the tubers are huge, this one weighed in at 1lb 4oz.
We also have a very good crop of Brussel sprouts this year. This is a crop that we normally have a problem with, and it has rather surprised us at how well they have done. They prefer a heavy slightly clay soil, or so they say. Our soil is the complete opposite.
He also made a pop hole in the original house, this had not been done before as the house is made of plastic sheeting, it was one we had brought over with us from Spain and in which we had stored all our furniture whilst waiting for the big move. We had always planned for it to double up as a hen house as soon as we arrived. We don't like bought eggs, even the so called Organic ones, knowing that the birds who produce these eggs are merely called Organic due to the feed. So once again we are flooded with eggs. time to make more Ice Cream I think.
The veg garden has now been put to bed. The raised beds have had a good mulch of compost and then covered with black plastic, with the exception of the bed reserved for the carrots and parsnips. The raised bed for the new strawberries has also been covered with the woven ground cover, this allows the rain to get through but keeps the weeds at bay. The new plants are due sometime in Nov. The area for next years potatoes has also been covered with black plastic, this is a new area of ground and by covering it this way will make it far easier to dig over come the spring.
This has been one of the most colourful Autumns we can remember. Vivid yellow and reds, rusts golden browns. These are Sycamores on the edge of our land. Hopefully next year we will also have lots of colour from the trees that we have planted.
Love the sunset shot of the rooster, Anne!